Discover NanoTritium™ Battery Power
Our batteries deliver uninterrupted power for decades, even under extreme environmental conditions. Here’s how we stand out:
- Unmatched Longevity: Continuous operation without charging or replacement for 20+ years.
- Wide Temperature Range: Reliable performance from -55ºC to 150ºC, with no efficiency loss between -40ºC and 0ºC.
- Customizable Designs: Adaptable shapes and dimensions to meet the exact needs of your microelectronics.
- Safe and Secure: Proven robust technology with no external radiation emissions.
- Consistent Power Output: Predictable, stable energy generation from tritium beta decay.
How it Works
Our NanoTritium™ battery technology converts beta particles emitted by the natural decay of tritium into electricity, providing a unique and temperature-independent power solution for low-power applications.
Medical Implants
Industrial Markets
Oil & Mining
Defense & Security