Co-Founder & Advisor
Home About City Labs Denset Serralta
Co-Founder & Advisor
Denset Serralta co-founded City Labs, Inc. in 2005, after 27 years of professional experience in the embedded hardware/software design field.
Since 1984, he has worked as a consultant for various defense, biotech and aerospace firms. His work includes compliance with military and other government standards and he holds Six-Sigma certifications at client sites.
Mr. Serralta’s areas of concentration lie within the development of military, aerospace, and biotech systems. His specific skills sets include the utilization of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Object Oriented Design in various computer languages, several Real Time Operating Systems (e.g. vxWorks, Solaris, VDK), and various hardware platforms.
Mr. Serralta has also assisted companies with analysis for the selection and integration of Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) components for development and production phases, as well as for sensor applications including radar, sonar, and communications & control DSP, network hardware/software, avionics, and biotechnology.
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